The following night,Economics expert have guessed the estimated amount of money that Greece owns to the european union,Its an estimated 356 Billion Euro,it corresponds to 161 procent of BIP.Greece is currently sitting on a mountain of debt of approximately € 352 billion. This corresponds to 161 percent of gross domestic product (GDP). Are allowed under EU rules actually at most 60 percent. € 206 billion in assets are in the hands of private individuals, banks, insurance companies and hedge funds.
If the average debt succeed as hoped, the debt could be estimated by the EU and the International Monetary Fund IMF initially fall to 152 percent. By 2020 they are expected to fall to 120 percent - but only under the condition that the economy after several years of recession grows significantly again in 2013. This is however not yet in sight. For this reason, the IMF expressed concern about the interest rate. The banks say the other hand, an interest rate of three percent would entice anyone to participate in the debt section.
The partial debt relief for Athens to shoulder the private creditors' voluntary. Their involvement is a key building block for the second, 130 billion-euro aid program for Greece. The private creditors, including banks and hedge funds should replace existing loans into new, sacrificing part of their claims and also take into account lower interest rates.
If the average debt succeed as hoped, the debt could be estimated by the EU and the International Monetary Fund IMF initially fall to 152 percent. By 2020 they are expected to fall to 120 percent - but only under the condition that the economy after several years of recession grows significantly again in 2013. This is however not yet in sight. For this reason, the IMF expressed concern about the interest rate. The banks say the other hand, an interest rate of three percent would entice anyone to participate in the debt section.
The partial debt relief for Athens to shoulder the private creditors' voluntary. Their involvement is a key building block for the second, 130 billion-euro aid program for Greece. The private creditors, including banks and hedge funds should replace existing loans into new, sacrificing part of their claims and also take into account lower interest rates.
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